Hacking up a storm – CodeBrew2015

Last weekend, before having to fly off to UniGames, I headed down to York Butter Factory for yet another hackathon - Melbourne Uni's CISSA ran their first ever solo hackathon! It kicked off with a Design Thinking workshop from the Wade Institute. Michael Vitale spoke about how hackathons bring people together to solve real world problems. … Continue reading Hacking up a storm – CodeBrew2015

What in the world is a hackathon?

Welcome to Hacking 101, first lesson – defining hackathons When someone says the word “hackathon” a few things might come to mind; security, breaking into things, coding, developing… these are some of the buzzwords surrounding this growing phenomenon. Working at so many hackathons over the last few months has allowed me to fully explain what … Continue reading What in the world is a hackathon?